A friend commented that I "can probably make them in my sleep now" and if it wasn't for the sharp objects required, that might be possible. I stab myself daily when awake so sleep-sewing could prove deadly. I am expert at removing dabs of blood from fabric.
However, even though I make the same thing over and over, I still find it thoroughly satisfying.
This ugly wrinkled bit of brown Kraft paper is my trusty pattern. It is the second one I have made.
I know that I could just measure rectangles and cut them, however since I am not ALWAYS alert, there is too much chance of mis-measuring and this works better for a semi-sleep state.
I think these run the gamut from gaudy to gorgeous without being too much or too little.
If you sew, do you always want the challenge of working on something new and challenging? Or do you find just the process of sewing satisfying in itself? I admit to being the second type. That is probably why making these and selling them is something I love doing. As a retired person, I want to support my sewing habit without the concerns of screwing up!
Now, if I could just think of as many blog topics as jewelry roll designs!