The discovery of the treasure trove of fabulous images led me to resurrect an old love of working in fabrics. That in turn caused me to create a whole lot of stuff that I love but cannot actually use so I am now "sharing" those items on Etsy at CherylThimbleFingers.
Last week Karen at The Graphics Fairy posted another of the six young girl images I sent to her. She has shared three of them so far. They were found in an old sewing book acquired from friend who happens to be a blogger about rare and antiquarian books, Books, Art, Life and a Cat.
I finally used one of the little ladies myself this weekon a reversible apron. This is the girly side. To see the other more unisex side click HERE
So, the point of all this rambling is that I want to return the favor and share some more. I have no idea how Karen at The Graphics Fairy technically does it but today I am posting an advertising card found at a New York City flea market. The colors are so pretty and rich that maybe the words won't make you think UNDERWEAR!
I hope you can copy and paste it and do what you will with it. I haven't done a thing with it yet. Maybe I'll see this on Brag Monday soon.
Footnote: While browsing on Etsy I found someone selling one of the "sewing book girls". Before you buy an image, check if it's free from Karen at THE GRAPHICS FAIRY!
I love the apron! It looks like it could be in a French kitchen, with that beautiful striped fabric. And of course, I love the images on it too... And that great big pocket would be perfect for slipping things into (perhaps a little handful of something to nibble on while I was cooking, ha ha).
Thanks for the compliment. I spend way more time sewing than cooking but I do enjoy